Hello All!
As excited as I am to begin this blog, I'm not sure where to start. I hope people will write me questions so I don't just ramble on.
I suppose I will just compose a list of concise phrases that shape my thinking. Enjoy!
- We are literally One Human Family.
- Metaphors are important tools for understanding the world.
- You are what you do.
- Healing can be painful.
- Language shapes thought and thought shapes the mind.
- All you need is love.
- Empathy is feeling with others.
- Practice makes permanent.
- Challenge yourself: How many people can you love?
- Do not let anger make decisions for you.
- Awareness is an agent of change.
- Meanness makes you ugly on the inside.
I'm sure I'll think of more, but there's a start. I find that phrases of this kind are useful in childcare because they are easy to remember and can encapsulate a whole lesson's worth of meaning. My old dance teacher used to call them "pearls of wisdom." I'm proud to have come up with some of my own (although, a few are borrowed). I'm always collecting more if anyone has any good ones to share.